Craft Masonry is the foundation of all Masonic activity. Master Masons
who want to expand and deepen their Masonic knowledge and experience can
apply for membership (or be invited to become members) in other Masonic
bodies. In all cases, however, membership in good standing in a Craft
Lodge is a prerequisite.
The Ritual of the Grand Lodge of
Masons of Nova Scotia is
styled 'Ancient York Rite'. (Other Grand Jurisdictions have
adopted other 'Rites' such as Scottish Rite, Swedish Rite, Schroeder
Rite, etc.) The York Rite has four main levels: Craft Masonry,
Capitular Masonry,
Cryptic Masonry, and Chivalric
Masonry. All four are represented in Pictou County.
Also represented in the County are the Scottish Rite, the Order of the
Eastern Star, and the Shriners.
The Structure of 'York Rite' Masonry
Craft or Speculative Masonry -
- Entered Apprentice
- Fellowcraft
- Master Mason
Masonry is the mother of all the Craft. It teaches a belief in
one living and true God, the giver and ruler of life; and by
following His guidance, one will increase in wisdom and stature,
and thus he will develop into one worthy of the title of
Capitular Masonry - (Chapter)
- Mark Master Mason
- Virtual Past Master
- Most Excellent Master
- Holy Royal Arch
Masonry is the Masonry of recovery. It teaches that, while often
taking a long period of time, the great beliefs of Freemasonry
are never eternally lost; that in future time, truths put away
for safe keeping will be recovered and restored to the Craft;
and that all things will, in due time be completed. Capitular
Membership is required for future advancement in the York Rite.
Cryptic Rite Masonry -
- Royal Master
- Select Master
- Super Excellent Master
Masonry is the Masonry of preservation. It teaches that the
immortal truths of life will never be destroyed; that the
approach of disorder and destruction will cause the Craft to
deposit these great truths in a safe and secure place where they
will be preserved; and, although forgotten and lost for a time,
they are kept for future discovery and use of the Craft. Cryptic
Masonry is the Alpha and Omega of Ancient Craft Masonry.
Chivalric Masonry - (Preceptory)
- Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
- Order of Malta
- Order of the Temple - Knights Templar
Chivalric Masonry is Christian
Masonry. The lessons of the Symbolic Lodge are given Christian
interpretation in the Orders of Knighthood of the Preceptory.
Chivalric Masonry aims to put those Christian virtues into
practice in our daily lives. Charity and hospitality are
characteristics which underlie the Templar program. |