Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
District Meeting
Pictou County District
Rt.W.Bro. Robert H. Meyer D.D.G.M.
Western Star Lodge, No. 50
November 7, 2008
Banquet Program
W. Bro. Frank Gammell
Master of Western Star Lodge, No. 50
�O� Canada
V.W.Bro. Oriville
Introduction of Head Table
Worshipful Master
Frank Gammell
Members of Westville
Chapter, No. 24
Order of the Eastern Star
To the Queen
Bro. Parker Morris
To the Craft
Rt.W.Bro. Harvey
To the Visiting Brothers
W.Bro. Alvin
Rt.W.Bro. Jack Ronalds
To the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
V.W.Bro. Reg Darroch
M.W.Bro. Roy E.
Grand Master of Masons of Nova Scotia
To the Ladies
Bro. Gary Hope
District Meeting Program
Opening of
Western Star Lodge by W.Bro. Frank Gammell and his officers.
Reception of
Ruling Masters of Pictou District
Reception of
District Deputy Grand Master and his District Officers.
Reception of
the Grand Master accompanied by past and present Grand Lodge Officers
Grand Honours
to the Most Worshipful Grand Master
by the District Grand Chaplain
Roll Call of
Lodges by the Secretary
Lodge Annual
by the Ruling Masters of the District Lodges
of District Donation to LORDA
Deputy�s Address
Digital Chaos
Questions and
Collection in
aid of the 2008 District Project
Master�s Address
Grand Master
Deputy retires
Western Star
Lodge closes
Lest We Forget
On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month
FIELDS the poppies blow
the crosses row on row,
That mark
our place; and in the sky
The larks,
still bravely singing, fly
heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Necrology Service
Remembering Our Departed Brethren
Passed to the Grand Lodge Above
District Grand Chaplain
V.W. Bro. Bruce Fraser
Pictou County District
District Meeting November 7, 2008
District Chaplain:
Brethren, let us set aside a solemn time of remembrance for our departed
brothers. Their memory, in turn, provides us with the opportunity to
bear witness to our belief in the immortality of the soul. Our physical
death cannot keep us from the face of God, whose strong grip will free
us and lift us out of the shadow of death into that Inner Chamber, where
in His light we shall see light.
Let us pray:
Most gracious and most glorious Lord God, we bless thy Holy Name for our
departed brothers who have laid down the working tools of life and are
now at rest from their labours. We shall remember Thy loving kindness
and Thy tender mercies to these Thy servants. As we are called to
remember Thy Grace which enabled them to fight the good fight, to be
faithful to the end, and at last to obtain their victory, we seek Thy
presence with us. Guide our thoughts and works and actions that they may
be pleasing in Thy sight. AMEN
So mote it be.
Responsive Reading: Psalm 121
Chaplain: |
I will lift up
mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help. |
Brethren: |
My help
cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. |
Chaplain: |
He will not
suffer they foot to be moved, He that keepeth thee will not
slumber. |
Brethren: |
Behold, he
that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. |
Chaplain: |
The Lord is thy
keeper; the Lord is they shade upon they right hand. |
Brethren: |
She sun
shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. |
Chaplain: |
The Lord shall
preserve thee from all evil; He shall preserve thy soul. |
Brethren: |
The Lord
shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time
forth and even for evermore. |
Chaplain: |
Amen |
Brethren: |
So mote it
be. |